Standing in the centre of Warsaw's Old Town you might think that this historic centre has been unchanged for hundreds of years, but everything was actually rebuilt in the years following WWII. This mammoth rebuild is an example of the energy and resilience of the Polish capital, which is still felt today. These days Warsaw has a busy calendar of annual cultural events, a thriving club scene and some of the country's best museums. Many of the best places to stay in Warsaw are along the banks of the Wisla River which divides the city in half. Well known as a relatively inexpensive destination, Warsaw does, in fact, have plenty of boutique and high-end options.
Some of our Warsaw Collections:
The Royal Castle, once a Mazovian stronghold, and St. John's Cathedral are probably the city's two most prominent buildings and the places most synonymous with Warsaw's strength. Both excellent copies of the original buildings, they're still evocative places. If you want to compare the surviving buildings with their replacements visit the Old Town Square, where you can see them standing side by side.
Warsaw's architecture may not be as beautiful as that of other Polish cities, but it probably has the best museums which include the Warsaw Rising Museum, the Chopin Museum, the National Museum and the Pawiak Prison Museum.
Warsaw is also a great place for foodies - yes, some Polish cuisine epitomises comfort food, but it's not all chicken soup, pierogi and vodka - though of course, you should also make sure you try the pierogi!
The best places to stay in Warsaw do get booked up fast, particularly in the summer months, so be sure to plan your trip well in advance.