Syracuse's mesmerising architecture is a constant reminder that, in its heyday, this city was the largest in the ancient world. Ancient Greek ruins make a spectacular backdrop for orange groves, medieval lanes run between Baroque piazzas, and it’s all part of a post-earthquake, post-invasion building programme that’s also behind some of the best places to stay in Syracuse today. Some of our favourite hotels are in converted palazzos and villas, but we have also picked out a small, stylish beach resort, and several properties on the island of Ortigia.
Ortigia island is the most historic part of Syracuse, where you’ll find the oldest buildings, the best sea views, and the fanciest hotels and restaurants. Mainland Syracuse was quite heavily bombed during WW2, so its architecture is far more modern. If you’re here for the culture, you’ll be kept busy — there’s the cathedral, converted from an Athenian Temple; and the basilica, with its famous painting by Caravaggio; the Sanctuary Madonna della Lacrime, famous for the Madonna statue which shed tears in 1954 and was subsequently mass produced for souvenirs; and the many fountains of the Forte Arethusa, the city’s ancient water supply. Outside town are the main Greek and Roman ruins, an outstanding collection which includes a vast necropolis of five thousand tombs, and the foundations of a Byzantine palace.
Syracuse also has a fantastic array of markets — there are markets each morning near the entrance to the island, selling rare, locally produced cheese and cured meats, wine, fruit, vegetables and fish. Ortigia’s narrow streets are lined with restaurants, cafes and trattoria — we recommend those along the western side if you’re looking for somewhere to have an aperitif or early supper in the sunshine.
There are a good range of beaches nearby too, but you'll have to travel at least 15 minutes to reach them!
The best places to stay in Syracuse tend to be extremely busy during the peak summer months. So if you plan to visit in July or August, do your homework and book well ahead to avoid disappointment.
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