Say “Capri” and for many it conjures the scent of lemons, the flavour of sun-ripened tomatoes scattered with basil, and the friendly chatter of the Piazzetta as the town turns out for an evening stroll or ‘passeggiata’. The best places to stay on Capri were traditionally at the more luxurious end of the accommodation spectrum, but that’s no longer true; we have some excellent traditional Capri-style hotels to recommend which also happen to be great value, along with a couple of B&Bs, a restaurant with rooms, some family friendly options, converted villas, a smattering of boutique hotels, luxurious pads and of course some seriously glamorous hotels too.
Capri is a classic destination for romantics, and great for a honeymoon. The beauty of this small rocky island rising out of the Mediterranean has enraptured writers, poets and artists, from Turgenev to Graham Greene, as well as yacht-sailing, jet-setting A-listers who love its glamour. The best places to stay on Capri always book up between April and the end of summer, and the fantastic restaurants, bars and boutiques do a roaring trade — so much so that many people miss out and have to make do as day-trippers. The atmosphere, and calendar, is lively!
If you prefer things a little quieter, then you might decide to stay in Anacapri which is on the far side of the island, and is the preferred base for many hikers and sightseers. Capri is adored by sailors of all shapes and sizes too, and getting out on the water is an essential part of every visit, wherever you stay. Everyone arrives by boat, and there really aren’t that many cars on the island, which is worth keeping in mind when you choose your hotel. If you want to explore further than your feet can take you, it might be worth hiring a scooter, or a boat!