Where the snow-capped Andes meet the sweltering Amazon rainforest, Bolivia combines breathtaking scenery with a rich cultural heritage. A country of contrasts, Bolivia is home to a cultural mix of Amerindian, Spanish and African groups, helping to create a vibrant backdrop of parades, music and traditional art. The best places to stay in Bolivia promise a choice of cosy self-catering cottages, country houses and urban retreats.
Bolivia can rightfully boast to have some of the world’s most beautiful landscapes. From salt flats to the towering Andes, from vivid tropical jungles to rolling hills carpeted with rainforest, the country is remarkable for its geographical diversity. Start by visiting the Salt Flats, the world’s largest salt lake. Try your hand at ‘shadow art’ photography, using cacti and llamas as props, or lose yourself in the infinite horizon. There are several jaw-dropping viewpoints that are worthy of everyone's bucket list: for example Mirador, The Antechamber of Heaven, and Faro de Conchupata, a platform with a glass globe illuminated at night.
Parque Nacional Madidi, one of the largest national parks in the world, has 8,000 documented species of vascular plants, as well as 1,254 bird species and many fish. The park can be enjoyed responsibly by joining one of the many ecotourism tours on offer. Other highlights include the Plaza de las Banderas Uyuni, the Monument Dakar Rally Bolivia, the Train Graveyard, and Salar de Uyuni's islands of exotic cacti and pink flamingos.
In short, Bolivia is a great destination for outdoors enthusiasts and lovers of big skies and wide open landscapes.