The kind of people who are able to buy property anywhere in the world, like George Clooney for example, choose to buy property in Laglio. He’s made no secret of being the proud owner of the Villa Oleandra, having used his hideaway as a location in the film Ocean’s Twelve. The rest of us may have to make do with picks from our Gurus’ list of the best places to stay in Laglio for the moment, but the accommodation options are still very promising, including elegant villa conversions, a boathouse turned six-suite hotel, and wonderfully romantic waterside hotels.
If you’re arriving in Laglio by road you’ll probably pass along Lake Como, through Como, then Cernobbio and Moltrasio, all beautiful centres that are like warm-ups to little charming Laglio; it's a spectacular drive, highly recommended even if you don’t need to get to Laglio. The view here is particularly special because it’s at the narrowest point on the lake, so the far shore is easily seen, only 675 metres away. Laglio is well loved by walkers too, especially those with a bent towards bird watching or fossil hunting. Mount Torriggia, just up the slopes from Laglio is known for its hawks, kites and buzzard migrations, and a major fossil discovery occurred on the same slopes, in a fantastically beautiful cave system also known for its stalactites and stalagmites, and for its underground lake.
But this town has become a bit of a mecca for holiday makers during the peak summer months, due to the Clooney effect! So if you want to guarantee a room in one of the best places to stay in Laglio during July or August, get organised and book well ahead.