Mmmm, delicious Alba! Capital of white truffles, white peaches, dark cherries, dark chocolate and dark wine. Beautiful Alba too, surrounded by vineyards growing the dark grapes which will eventually fill your bottle of Barolo, hazelnut groves, orchards, woods, and lush vegetable fields. Add to the views castles, medieval villas and Roman ruins, and you get a town that’s as much a feast for the eyes as it is for the palate. For our Gurus some of the best places to stay in Alba will always be restaurants with rooms, but in the oldest part of town there are some charming traditional hotels, villa conversions, and B&Bs, and just outside of town, there are a number of fantastic agriturismo and converted farm estates.
During the 14th and 15th centuries Alba was known as the ‘City with a hundred towers’, now it doesn’t have that many, but it still has more than you’d expect from a centre of this size. Alba also has a number of beautiful churches, impressive Roman ruins, and an excellent archaeological museum. So there’s plenty to entertain yourself outside meals and cooking classes. Some of the churches present regular choral and chamber concerts, and there are food festivals arranged throughout the year. Some of the best places to stay in Alba play host to some of these events too, which could add something extra special to your visit. The landscape around Alba is dominated by vine rows — there are around 300 local wineries. And if you need something to bribe the kids with, Alba is where Nutella and Ferrero Rocher were born! It’s well known for its gelato too.
But don't forget to book well ahead if you're planning to visit during one of the town's many festivals or truffle season, the best places to stay in Alba are extremely popular!