Much maligned by elements of the press and reality television, Essex is actually delightfully rural and historically fascinating, and it’s got a long stretch of coastline intricately featuring estuaries, peninsulas, and some very beautiful beaches. The county also has some very charming centres, but most of the best places to stay in Essex are outside the towns and cities, in tiny villages and hamlets, or in picturesque rural spots. We have discovered plenty of country house hotels, elegant conversions and spa hotels, but also a good range of rural pubs-with-rooms.
Some of our Essex collections:
The history of Essex is easily traced back to the Iron Age. The Romans took what was to become Colchester, and now it’s one of the county’s historic centres, with its ties to Boudicca and Roman ruins including the original Roman walls, and William the Conqueror's castle. Today it’s also a pretty market town, with a very impressive collection of museums and galleries, historic architecture, and even a zoo.
Several of Essex’s other centres have historic treasures to rival Colchester — the UK’s best preserved Norman keep in Hedingham Castle, Southend Pier, and the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, which was the UK’s entry into the International Exhibition of Modern Architecture in 1932. Even the county's beach towns and resorts are historic! Maldon was regularly under attack by the Vikings; Southend has the world’s longest pleasure pier at 2.16kms; and the historic port of Harwich is where The Mayflower was launched from.
Because so much of the region is classed as commuter belt, the majority of its towns and centres are easily reached by train from London, so the best places to stay in Essex are ideal for a quick getaway from the capital.