Bologna’s famously elegant arcades arc around the peaceful pedestrianised centre, the covered porticoes of pale marble and stone adding romance to the city’s simple, medieval grid. This is a beautiful city, known for that, and for its fine dining, restaurants, and bars, inspiring cultural life. Many of our Gurus’ recommendations for the best places to stay in Bologna can be found in the pedestrianised centre of town, and many of those hotels have been converted from elegant palazzos, villas and townhouses, some retaining their classical Italian decor, and some with chic contemporary design. It’s not all fine living, though, Bologna has plenty of great value accommodation as well, and is just as well known for its ancient university, penchant for philosophical debate, and hip student population.
The best way to get around Bologna is definitely on foot — or by bike — and many of the best places to stay in Bologna have a fleet of hotel bikes at the ready for you. The sheer number of bikes, and the lack of cars, makes this an easy city to cycle in, even for less experienced, and it’s a great way to shoot between sites if you don’t have time to walk. Though strollers will definitely be rewarded with a myriad of treasures to discover between points A and B. Start your explorations on the Via Rizzoli or the Piazza Maggiore and don’t skip the Fountain of Neptune or the any of the 666 porticoes, which begin at the Porta Saragozza at the end of the Via Saragozza. If you’re looking for a lively cafe or bar head to the 900 year old University Quarter around Via Zamboni.
Many of our recommendations for the best places to stay in Bologna are within a very pleasant stroll of Bologna’s Gothic Basilica, which is an amazing masterpiece that, despite being started in 1390, is still unfinished. The Abbazia di Santo Stefano is another very centrally located architectural marvel, with its labyrinth of structures connecting four separate churches, and Bologna has numerous museums and art museums. Just don't forget to book well ahead if you're planning a city break, Bologna is a popular year-round destiation.