- 1864 The Sea Captain's House has just four suites, three of which have four-poster beds. A characterful and unusual small hotel in Oia town, this spot charms with its antique furniture, whitewashed walls, original artwork and prettily embroidered textiles.
- Aigialos is a romantic collection of houses with pastel-painted exteriors and space for two to four guests. Chic interiors features soothing tones, gorgeous sea views framed by painted wooden casements, and antique pieces. A pool and Mediterranean restaurant complete the picture. A charming choice for those looking to explore Fira.
- Ikies Traditional Houses is made up of 13 suites, each with a different shape, size and character. Hewn into the rock, these spaces are sleek and minimalistic, allowing the spellbinding caldera views to take centre stage. Breakfast is served on your terrace each morning, and most suites also have a private hot tub. You're well placed for exploring Oia town — though it's very tempting to simply stay put.