The gently rolling green hills, and postcard-perfect villages — with honey-coloured stone mansions, ancient churches and thatched cottages — make The Cotswolds one of the most quintessentially English of all England’s regions. Which in turn makes it hugely attractive for visitors seeking ye olde world English charm. Unfortunately, due to its popularity, it has become one of the places in the UK where you're most likely to be overcharged for accommodation. However, our list of the best places to stay in The Cotswolds should help protect you... We've uncovered a wide range of recommendations from cheap and cheerful pubs-with-rooms to top-notch luxury spa hotels, and everything in between!
The Cotswolds has some lovely country house hotels, but we have numerous recommendations in pretty Cotswolds towns too. Some of are in famed Cotswolds-charmers like Burford, Stow-on-the-Wold, Chipping Norton, Chipping Campden, Cirencester and Broadway.
Burford has the famously pretty High Street, which leads steeply down to the River Windrush; the vast Burford Garden Centre; and some great pubs and galleries. And it’s right on the southern edge of The Cotswolds, ideal if you want to explore some of Oxfordshire as well. Stow on the Wold is a lovely market town where you'll find loads of antique shops, art galleries and many independent boutiques; Cirencester is steeped in history dating back to Roman times. Broadway is where to stay if you want to explore the northern reaches of the Cotswolds. And, if you’re at all interested in art and design, you might like to visit Chipping Campden, the birthplace of the Arts and Crafts movement founded by William Morris at the end of the 19th Century. If you prefer to stay in a larger town and drive out to the rural surrounds, we suggest you book a room in Cheltenham, a regency beauty with stylish shops and restaurants and festivals galore from jazz to horse racing.
Just don't forget that the best places to stay in the Cotswolds are incredibly busy especially during the peak summer season. If you're planning a visit in July or August, remember to book well ahead.